I'm not a big fan of David Frum's smug neo-con line, but he does turn a phrase, and when that turn of phrase takes aim at (and repeatedly runs over, backs up and runs over again) the Kedwards Kids, I have to just sit back and grin:
"What can one say about John Edwards's performance? He certainly did not make Al Gore's error in 1996: With his repeated and worshipful descriptions of John Kerry--not to mention Edwards's moist good looks--you have to say that he would fill the role of First Lady much better than Teresa Heinz is likely to do. It would all have been very impressive--if Cheney's scalpel had not so swiftly and mercilessly sliced Edwards's living liver out of his body, impaled it quivering on a stick, and paraded it before Edwards' soulful eyes before the poor man expired."