Don't just sit on your heinie griping, moaning and complaining about tax forms next year. Get off your duff and write your congresscritters.
Oh, and read Neal Boortz' The Fair Tax Book so you can have something to write your congresscritter beside "Get the IRS off my back!"
A sample:
"Simply put, HR25 would provide for the repeal of the 16th Amendment (the income tax amendment) and the dismantling of the IRS. All personal and corporate income taxes would end, as would all payroll taxes. There would not be one cent of federal taxes of any nature taken out of your paychecks. No more Social Security taxes. No more Medicare taxes. You earn $2,000 a payday; you get $2,000 a payday. The federal government would be funded through a national sales tax on goods and services sold at the retail level. No taxes on investments. No taxes on savings. You only get taxed on what you spend at the retail level. Store your earnings in a shoebox if you wish. They won’t be taxed."
There's obviously a lot more, including an economic impact study and just how this would affect your bottom line, but it's at least worth a public debate by our congresscritters. See the article for a longer introduction to the concept and then sit back a little and contemplate the though, "No more IRS... "
See, I knew that'd make you smile.