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Tuesday, October 12, 2004

The Wrong Question

A friend of mine sent me an email forward. I have no idea who composed it. It details a laundry list of "positions" taken and actions performed by Jean Fraud sKerry and asks the question, "Can Christians vote for Kerry?" My answer...
Sure Christians can vote for Jean Fraud sKerry.
Christians can also get drunk, beat their wives, shoot random passers-by, and commit all other kinds of atrocities.
But that they can certainly does not make any of those things right or or even remotely Christian. But then, some folks feel it's better to live with a philosophy Paul rebuked in Romans 6:1-2, "What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? [to which some sing, "I was sinking deep in sin/Wheeeeee!"] Certainly not!"
Of course, there's this article in the NYT (obnoxious, but relatively harmless registration required) where Mark Roche, a dean at Notre Dame, argues Catholics should vote for Jean Fraud sKerry. That pro life Catholics should vote for sKerry. Huh?!? Yeh, his reasoning is tortured past reason. Figures. he's taking after his father, sKerry... Seems like some really are still arguing with Paul about the "benefits" of abounding in sin...