Venting Spleen
Some reviewers see "Revenge of the Sith" as poorly-scripted, badly-acted juvenile pap with so-so special effects... And those are some of the better reviews from the sane folks who've seen it. But what did you expect? It's a last gasp of a series, and it's not as though the Star Wars movie franchise has consistently improved with age, anyway. Here's a sample of commentary rounded up by Glenn Reynolds. Oh, and Tyler Cowan, of Marginal Revolution, has a few pertinent observations about the Star Wars fictio-verse. (Yeah, Tyler! heh) [OUCH! Update: Anthony Lane, writing in The New Yorker ( 2005-05-16) is just a wee tad vicious:
Lighten up, man. It's just a movie! h.t. "Dave" commenting at Ann Althouse's blog] Ahhh, I know some Star Wars fans (one in my own home) who'll probably roast me alive for this post. So? I'll see it when it comes out on DVD. Either as a rental or... mooching a watch off the Star Wars fan in the family. OTOH, reading some of the reviews has me in the mood for something a little camp, competently scriipted and acted, maybe a wee tad B-movie-ish. hmmm... ![]() Doc Savage: Man of Bronze, anyone? :-) |