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Monday, August 22, 2005

Hot n Cold

A couple of recipes I've been meaning to post for a while, now

First, my mother's Salsa recipe that my dad scanned and sent me. My comments, based on my recollection of her cokking habits in "[ ]"
  • 3C diced tomatoes [whatever's ripe and available]
  • 3/4 C onion [coarsely chopped]
  • 1.5 tsp salt
  • 1.5 C [white] vinegar
  • 1—3 C [chopped] jalapeños (to taste)
  • 3 cloves minced garlic
Bring to boil, simmer 5 minutes, pack in hot [sterilized in boiling water bath] jars, cover with lids and process in hot water bath for 30 minutes. Remove, cool and store.
Now, for the cold stuff.
Javascript Cookie™ Ice Cream Sandwiches
Make a batch of LARGE Javascript Cookies™. (How large? Experiment. Have a lil fun. Maybe twice the size of ordinary drop/roll cookies, 'K?) Let 'em cool. Make ice cream sandwiches by adding a dollop of your fav ice cream between two Javascript Cookies™. and smooshing them together a bit. Clean up around the edges, wrap the sandwich in plastic wrap and pack away in the freezer to chill back down and "age" a bit. Good in Javascript Cookies™? Mint chocolate chip, vanilla, chocolate and quite a few other flavors. Pick your fav and go to town.
BTW, make more than you think you'll need. You'll need 'em.
