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Friday, October 28, 2005

Updating Aquinas...

Excerpted from "Letter from A Young Jacobin"
From grade inflation… Deliver us, Oh Lord From the depredations of sports-besotted administrators Defend us, Oh God And remember education departments, their fads and empty promises Smite them, Sweet God, in your mercy
Amen. PS—from the "Young Jacobin's" own postscript:
"...if I were the head of a Committee of Public Safety for a day I would let lose the guillotines on every dept. of ed in this country (both faculty and grad students just to be sure) and burn every book ever written by someone with a PhD in education. It wouldn’t solve all of our problems I know, but a) damn it would be fun and just, a thousand times just and b) it would be a good start, esp. since I would only have a day."
Preach on, brother, preach on! (And were I Emperor of America, I'd appoint this "Young Jacobin" as "head of a Committee of Public Safety" for as long as it took to erradicate the breed of pestilence he rails against.) heh edited to close that darned parentheses... *sigh* ;-)