SOTU/OTA Wednesday
About that State of the Union address last night... I didn't watch this one, just as I have not watched the SOTU for several years, now. Instead, I read the transcribed address at the site. I find the "sizzle" factor to be a distraction. How someone delivers a speech has some significance, but I just want the meat. On average, I'd probably give the speech a solid "B." An "A" tending toward "A-" for the foreign policy section. A Solid "C" for the domestic section, IMO. Read it for yourself and judge the contents. Good things: Explaining the need to take the fight to the terrorists (for those who simply haven't been listening since 9/11-apparently just about half the pols in the room. *sigh*). Hitting the old Gray Whore and her pimps with a bitch-slap on the so-called 'domestic surveillance lies, as in,
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