Dissing Jean Fraud/OP
This is an 0pen Post. Link here (especcially with anything that disses John Kerry) and trackback. Here's the post link: http://thirdworldcounty.blogspot.com/2006/01/dissing-jean-fraudop.html And here's the trackback link: http://www.haloscan.com/tb/mnmus/113871316786467012/Let's set aside, for today, my usual Tuesday dissing of Jean Fraud sKerry for his pathological lies, his insulting proclamations, his complete lack of any moral fiber and instead blow a great big fat juicy raspberry his way for his lame filibuster attempt to block the confirmation of Alito. Did I say "filibuster"? It should be "filibLuster" instead, shouldn't it? Indeed, if global warmists want to "blame America first" for their pet bugaboo, they need look no further than their own kind's continued election of Jean Fraud sKerry, Teddy "Swimmer" (Mary Jo Kopeckne could not be reached for comment) Kennedy, Nancy "Harridan" Pelosi, Harry Dumbass Reid and their ilk for a proximal cause. For some fine dissing of Jean Fraud, see the Free Kerry's 180 Blogburst, founded and ably managed by Cao. As Cao points pout today, it's been a year since Jean Fraud promised on national TV to sign an AF-180 and release his records. It's been 255 days since he purportedly signed an SF-180. But still no public release. Cao started the Free Kerry's 180 blogburst to keep this lying scumbag's feet to the fire, to keep this issue continually alive. Wanna play? Go to Cao's and pick up on the game. Check here |