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Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Mass Media Podpeople's Army Lies Part X

MMPA Lies, News Dies Machias Privateer has an interesting essay up noting just one of the deceptions being perpetrated on sub-literate Americans (mostly inhabiting Democratic Fiefdoms):
Here in Chicago, they are celebrating a reduction of the murder rate to 450 murders in 2004 for a population of 2.8 million! Since Iraq has about 25 million people, at the same per capita rate, they would have 11 murders per day. It seems nearly every murder in Iraq makes the news!
You'll note that were the murder rate in Iraq similar to Chicago, the Iraq murder toll would stand around 4,015 for 2004, instead of being about the same raw number as Chicago. Just read the whole post, including his comments about the difference to MMPA "reportage." It's getting to the place where one can almost listen to an MMPA member pass gas via his oral cavity and know what's going on by reversing everything that the MMP concludes. Almost. The sly devils. (N.B. "devil" is a word transliterated from the Greek "diabolos" which means "traducer, false accuser, liar") h.t. The Diplomad