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Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Since Blogger is still "broken," let's try an experiment

Been getting tired of coding html and having blogger screw it up (the wysiwig editor is still broken)...
This (a beta of "Blog writer") seems a lil clunky—common keyboard shortcuts don't seem to work—but if it'll publish what I want, without inserting its own errors like the Blogger html editor seems to invariably do, I'll be OK with it.
So, here's a hyperlink: Take the Money and Run
Yeh, it's just to my previous post, but it seems to work.  Again, it's a clumsy link insertion method (right-click and choose "Create Link"—no keyboard stroke or menu icon—but at least it's workable.
I like the preview and html source tabs—should be easy for those used to Front Page, for example.