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Monday, May 23, 2005

Today was eaten by locusts...

Very Nice having The Daughter visit for my birthday anniversary.  Good to spend much of the day running down parts, etc., and making essential repairs to her car. My BD present to me.  :-)  Add the treat of her presence and The Son, and all was well, indeed. (And yes, according to one manner of figuring, I'm still only thirty-six and one-half years old. Makes it interesting to have been married for somewhere in the close neighborhood of twenty-seven years... heh "According to one manner of figuring... " I'll stick with that story.)
But... still, time eaten.  Much left undone. Much to do to catch up on from time taken due to last week's Wonderfully Successful Operation.  :-)
And Kipling Tuesday and 180 Blogburst to prep for tomorrow.