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Thursday, May 12, 2005

A tribute by Blonde Sagacity™

Ala looks "In the Sandbox... " and offers a prayer for what she sees
Head on over to Blonde Sagacity™ and read Ala's prayer for those placing themselves in harm's way to serve their country.
Then CLICK HERE to download/listen to "Mansions of the Lord" from the same movie as the prayer she quotes.  The fire off an email to one of the guys serving in harm's way, preferably someone from your own community, someone you should be connected to. And then why not watch a decent movie portraying honorable men serving their country in difficult circumstances, such as "We Were Soldiers" (from whence both the prayer Ala offers and "Mansions of the Lord").
Are there any military families in your community? Spouses and clindren coping with a dad or mom in Iraq?  Retired military who served with honor?  Look them up.  Be their friend and neighbor.