Ipso Facto Comic

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Sunday, November 20, 2005

MONDAY: Featured Site/Open Post

Check out the Open Trackback info below the Featured Blog

Ipso Facto Blog has become a daily read for me, ever since Mike Wallster tracked back to me here. Mike's talent and his eye/ear for humor are unmistakeable. He's also very quick to respond to comments. One day, I mentioned I needed to find/work out a script to display his comic on my sidebar, so as to both point folks to his Ipso Facto Blog and to be a "quick link" for me to click on to check the full-size version at his blog. Next day? He had one ready for folks. Cool. Pick up the script by checking out this post. Or just Click on the comic below and pick the script up.

Ipso Facto Comic


Today is an Open Post Day, all day. In fact, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays (Friday's post open all weekend) are Open Trackback Post days.

Open Trackback Alliance

Open Post info: Edit a post (or posts :-) of your own that you want to have featured here to include a link to this post. Trackback to my trackback URI (just right-click on "trackback" at the foot of this post and select "copy link" or "copy link location"--however your browser indicates. If your blog software can't send trackback pings you can use Wizbang's Standalone Trackback Pinger. If you have trouble, please leave a comment. I'll try to help. Be sure to reference the Open Trackback Alliance blogroll and the Open Trackback Provider blogroll in my left sidebar. The more you play, the more folks will see your posts!

Update: for folks that trackbacks are new to, here's what you need to trackback to this post:

Link this URL:


in your post somewhere.

Enter this trackback URI in your trackback pinger:


Linked at Committees of Correspondence, Is It Just Me?, Don Surber, Conservative Cat, NIF, Robinik.net, The Political Teen, MacStansbury, Right Wing Nation, Jo's Cafe, Breakfast at Basil's and Thanksgiving Week Open Trackbacks at Choose Life! (Note that one, folks-looks like someone may be taking aim at NIF's attempted Mongous Trackback Post. heh), Blogin' Outloud, The Florida Masochist
