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Wednesday, August 07, 2013

"Don't see many of those around here. . . "

So, it's been a wee tad over five years since I've posted here at the original Third World County blog. Heck, it's been almost that long since I've posted over at the Wordpress hosted version. All the action's here.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

I am not here, this is not me...

...no matter what you think you see; I am not here, this is not me. This one's for T.F.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Google Docs and Spreadsheets Using the Opera Browser

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country, while the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog, yadayadayada.
Yeh, yeh: just proving that Google lies when it balks at letting one use Opera to work with Google Docs and Spreadsheets, as some seem to have discovered.

Well, it does work, but I'm singularly unimpressed with Google Docs/Spreadsheets. It's like working with a down version of a crippled install of Wordpress or... Blogger, for that matter (including the same old, same old crappy html code that Blogger always inserts whenever one uses the "compose" facility instead of coding posts by hand *sigh*). Only worth having for folks who can't figure out how to do collaboration with real office apps.

But, for those having difficulty using a real browser, such as Opera, with Google Docs and Spreadsheets, may I suggest using this url, instead of simply trying to log in normally?

You see, Google lies when it says Opera won't work. It's just that the Google techies are too lazy to check it out, and paradoxically too vigorous in browser sniffing to let Opera simply tell 'em it's OK.

Dumb. Internet Exploder 7 and Firefox are still not as standards-compliant as Opera, and Seamonkey is simply crappy, yet if Google sniffs out anything other than those browsers, it balks at loading Docs and Spreadshets. Silly Google.

So, here's a doc written on Google Docs and Spreadsheets while using Opera 9.21, published on an old Blogger account.

Question: how does one blow a "raspberry" using a keyboard?

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

"Springtime for Hitler... "

Shades of Mel Brooks' "The Producers". *heh* As seen at third world county.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Finally, THE solution to the world's problems

Either this guy's a genius beyond any intellect I am able to comprehend or he needs his meds moderated. I leave it to you to decide...

Thursday, November 23, 2006

New Opera Widget may help Blogger users.

Hmmm... Found this new widget for Opera, the True HTML Editor Widget. It seems to be pretty cool. Of course, everything's raw HTML/CSS in the left pane/output reflected in the right pane.

Interesting. Even has a "Blog This!" button... Have to see if that works. Yep, but only for Blogger, it seems. Still, might not be a bad thing for Blogger users, and it'd be really helpful for me to get my Linkfest haven (and other blogger-based posts) up. Not bad at all.

The Widget info/download page is linked in the title, so if you are a Blogger user and also use opera, why not give it a whirl?

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Clinton's next interview after Wallace
Finally, a reason to praise Clinton.
Finally, a reason to praise Clinton
h.t. The Pirate's Cove by way of Rightlinx via MsUnderestimated