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Friday, December 03, 2004

Pitying Teachers

This time of year can play havoc with teachers' lesson plans—at least lesson plans of teachers who want their students to continue learning anything of value. And that's the least of it. Several years ago, when I was in an only slightly curmudgeonly mood, I wrote some offhand verses to the tune of "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year" titled, "It's the Sap-Sappiest Season of All" Yep. The title above is linked to the lyrics with a midi file playing in the background. There are other Christmas "things" on that particular website, as well, that are less... curmudgeonly. Such as, A simple lullaby, a short poem (with a midi background rip-off of a Mannheim Steamroller piece—heh—and a nice graphic) and maybe some other things this year, if I get around to it. It all really kind of depends on whether or not I get around to digging out some old compositions and converting them to web-friendly formats or even (don't expect it) am moved to write something fresh this year. Such as these things be, they are simple things, but my own. For the most part. :-)