You be the judge
Riehl World View is helping publicize some folks campaigning to raise awareness (and money, of course) of the dread scpourge, IDD—Intellect Deficit Disorder. Indeed, some well-known people are courageously (???) putting their names, faces and personal battles with this disorder in the public eye in aid of
... a grass roots organization funded in part by the DNC to reach out to dumb people everywhere.
"It is no fun being stupid," said Boxer at a recent IDD kick-off event. "I've kept quiet long enough and it's time I began to share my own struggle with this terrible disorder in hopes of helping others to cope with its debilitating effects." May I humbly suggest you do everything you can to aid those with IDD, starting with a visit to Riehl World View to read the World Exclusive Story™, "Please Help Fight IDD: America's New Epidemic" there.