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Monday, May 16, 2005


That these stories appear in the Britpress on the same day is coincidence... isn't it?
First this story telling of the link between a woman having an abortion and risks to later children she may want to carry to term. "Revealed: how an abortion puts the next baby at risk".
Now this one describing an interesting phenomenon (or is it just a statistical blip?): children in developing countries beginning puberty at earlier and earlier ages. "Why puberty now begins at seven".  Huh.
The first seems a case of cosmic justice, the second seems more like a case of cosmic balance of the first.  (But of course, that's just me doing the human thing: looking for meaning... or creating it where there may be none.)
Story #1: h.t. Carol Liebau.
Story #2: h.t. Harry Irwin, posting at Jerry Pournelle's Current Mail.