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Friday, May 27, 2005

Protest the American Criminal Libertine Union

I'd like to sign up for the Protest the ACLU Blogburst, but I'm an idiot and can't figure out how to "forward [my] rss feed..." to the appropriate place.
The ACLU (insert your own snarky translation of the acronym in "comments") is way, way off the deep end in promoting the death of Western Civilization in their defense of jihadi terrorists, among other forms of scum it loves, and in direct attacks upon freedom of speech and religion.
What's with this organization?  Is societal entropy their only value?  So, I'll take time once a week or so to locate another ACLU attack upon civilization and rant or ridicule as is appropriate.
Dr. Tarr and Mr. Fether are eagerly awaiting their turn at the American Criminal License Underwriters...