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Anti-PC League

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Offbeat—Open Post

Now, I'll admit I'm not your average football fan. (*cough* Haven't watched a whole game from start to finish any time in the last decade that I can recall—heh. But I do enjoy football in bits and pieces. It's the whole "watching someone else play a game" thing that bores the heck outa me, most times.) This article about football, however, really held my attemtion: Coach Leach Goes Deep, Very Deep Interesting. I might just watch a whole football game sometime in the next decade... Maybe more than one. Who knows? h.t. Roland Dobbins commenting at Jerry Pournelle's Chaos Manor. OK, this is an Open Trackback Alliance Open Post. Link to this post in a post of your own, then trackback. I'll round things up later. OTA-BIGGEST "Thingie pinged" at TMH's Bacon Buts' "Bacon Break — Be Gentle", Choose Life. So, I'm open downfield; hit me!