Surrendering Christmas
Why is the move to secularize Christmas entirely out of the public arena going so well for the allies of Islamic jihad (ACLU, the usual suspects among the Loony Left Moonbat Brigade, the Mass Media Podpeople's Army, et al)? Because all too many Christians have no faith at all, just a "country club" association with the fashoinable church du jour or a tepid connection to a weak-kneed "traditional values" concept. Witness: Megachurches cancel services on Christmas Huh?!? Yep "Churches" (big, successful, ever more secular and image/marketing-conscious Willow Creek prominently featured) are backpedaling on... Christmas.
I think perhaps some of these churches have lost sight of some central principles.
Or, if reading from their Bibles is too taxing, pperhaps counsel in a book written in the popular vein might help...
Contra to the "conform to the secular world" ideas of "marketing the Gospel" and "targeting and audience" that leads to... canceling a Sunday service because... becuase it's on Christmas day???-Piper offers this model:
Nah. They'd need the video. "Books are too haaaaard." Yep. The more Christians-churches-try to emulate pagans, the more the pagans win. "Here, let me put just a drop of poison in that glass of milk. How about another drop? More?" Crossposted at Cathouse Chat Shamelessly flogged at Cao's Blog Mid Week OTB. :-) |