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Saturday, January 08, 2005

Where is a Henry II when you need one?

"Will no-one rid me of th[ese] troublesome [High Priest Vulture Elite] priest[s]?* An American diplomat, posting anonymously as "Diplomad" from the part of the world most affected by the recent tsunami, rants about the UNhelpful, UNtruthful, UNethical, UNscrupulous UN "presence". WARNING: he speaks his mind clearly, forthrightly and with considerable venom. (And for this reason, he posts anonymously, for did he not, he'd be out on his ear before his post hit the fan, as it were... ) http://diplomadic.blogspot.com/2005/01/turd-world-and-high-priest-vulture.html About time the UN was served an eviction notice and told to leave our shores, cos we need the space (and our tax dollars) for better things. *a deliberate corruption of Henry II's outburst that led to four knights interpreting the king's will as "Kill Becket." Hmmm... seems like we not only need a Henry II but a few doughty knights, as well if we are to deal with the High Priest Vulture Elite of the UN.