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Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Carnival of the Recipes #41: My fav fruit salad

Although I have vivid memories from childhood of this special treat...
It's not just a fruit salad, but it's certainly my fav. My mom swears she never made it (though I can still see me and my four siblings jokeying over our fav fruit pieces... ). But then, that has been happening more and more often lately.  It's either a sign of her advancing age or mine.
Regardless, I have been making this salad that boldly mocks Waldorf salads as being too wussie for at least thirty years, myself, so...
Here's another "process, not a recipe" recipe for you. Measurements/amounts are NOT exact; vary at will:
Mocking Wussie Waldorf Salads Salad
1/2 medium head of (green) cabbage, shredded or chopped
2/3 cup chopped walnuts (more or less, preferably more :-)
2/3 cup chopped celery (frankly, more celery is a good thing)
about 1/2 cup raisins
1Tbs lemon juice and zest of one lemon (lime juice is a nice variation)
one can (your fav) fruit cocktail (pineapple, pear, peach, grape, etc. pieces in fruit syrup--I distinctly recall vying for the maraschino cherry pieces as a child. heh)
one apple, cleaned, cored, NOT peeled and cut into pieces
1/3 to 1/2 cup of mayonnaise, salad dressing or Miracle Whip.
Mix it all in a large bowl. Chill for an hour or more.  Eat.
My memory is of this served with chicken pot pie. So that's the way I do it.
Note: I've been known to add some celery seed from time to time. I like it.  Opinions vary.
Recipe hunters, welcome!  Come on in.  Grab a cuppa joe.  Put your feet on the coffee table and relax a while.  In other parts of this blog, I rant and rave, ponder and pontificate, wander and wonder, but food is for fun as much as simply fuel. So enjoy, drop me a note and tell me how this turned out for you, should you try it. Or just wander around a while and wonder what you've let yourself in for.