Open Post and Around and About
Open post. You know the drill. If not, check the foot of this post. Fred, again. *sigh* Man, when will you ever learn: a prophet is not loved in his own country? Oh. That's why you live south of the border, now. Good thing, cos that's probably the only thing keeping you safe from the object of this article. heh(Thanks, Hugh, for the reminder to check Fred's site.) Woody (Woody's News and Views) does good blog on a regular basis. I semi-featured this post late yesterday, but it needs to be brought "above the fold" as it were: Chris Matthews, Dhimmi Of The Week, at Woody's News and Views. Another snippet from Jerry Pournelle's site, this time from his hand,
Do take the time to read it all. It's a response to an email correspondent in yesterday's Chaos Manor Mail. (Note: Pournelle's "Day Book" format is arranged exactly opposite of most blogs, so paging DOWN brings current info into view.) If you have not yet read The English Guy's post here yesterday, stop, CLICK HERE and read. Click to sign the petition if you care about national security. I hope you didn't miss this trackback to Clark Mountain Musings, yesterday. I disagree with the post in only one regard: I think the situation is humorous, even if it isn't belly-laugh funny. heh. Oh, irony, thy personification is French... Clark Mountain Musings is new to me yesterday (found 'em in my open trackbacks, folks), and I'm already a tad upset with the blog cos I have only so many hours in a day, and even speedreading via a broadband connection isn't enough to let me keep track of all the good reads! And here's another one! *sheesh!* :-) Kender Learns to Love Me ;-) *ducking* Well, I'll add more later, I'm sure, but now, on to...
********************************* OPEN TRACKBACKS! Today is an Open Post Day, all day. In fact, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays (Friday's post open all weekend) are Open Trackback Post days. Open Post info: Edit a post (or posts :-) of your own that you want to have featured here to include a link to this post. Trackback to my trackback URI (just right-click on "trackback" at the foot of this post and select "copy link" or "copy link location"--however your browser indicates). If your blog software can't send trackback pings you can use Wizbang's Standalone Trackback Pinger. If you have trouble, please leave a comment. I'll try to help. Be sure to reference the Open Trackback Alliance blogroll and the Open Trackback Provider blogroll in my left sidebar. The more you play, the more folks will see your posts! Linked at: Adam's Blog, Those Bastards!, TMH's Bacon Bits, The Political Teen, Don Surber, Choose Life!, Euphoric Reality, MacStansbury, Right Wing Nation, Committees of Correspondence, NIF, Stop the ACLU, Is it Just Me? |