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Sunday, October 23, 2005

UPDATE: ACLU Signage meme pool game

Going strong on three legs. One kinda petered out when the tagee forgot to play the whole game, and one is AWOL, About par. OTOH, The MaryHunter, Cao and Romeocat have all tagged some real live wires! I'll work this week on a post harvesting all the posts I can find (those who play the "ACLU: Here's Your Sign" meme pool game to a "T" are easiest to find; those who don't will be hit and miss) and making a lil linkfest outa it as a resource in developing real-world memes to combat the enemies of America that call themselves the ACLU. Meanwhile, here's one standout blogger who's really taken the bit between his teeth and bids well to run away with a first place showing if Stop the ACLU decides to hold a linkfest/vote on the best sign (I need to talk to John/Jay about that, I guess... ). Here are two of the examples of fine signage iHillary has contributed. Check the blog for more, cos there's more great info (and another sign) there, and I have a feeling more to come... iHillary, sign #1: ACLU Jihadist Donkey iHillary, sign #2: Deconstructing America (Ya just have to love the backhand reference to post modernism.) Edited post to include links to the original meme post, for reference. Linked at Stop the ACLU